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Classmates Laugh After Student Slaps Teacher Multiple Times

Classmates Laugh After Student Slaps Teacher Multiple Times


We hear about teachers being assaulted by students on a regular basis. We also hear about those students receiving little to no consequences for this behavior. But when a video of the assault goes viral, and we get to see the violence ourselves, it is truly shocking. 

Earlier this week, at Parkland High School in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, a student had a profanity-laced tantrum where he slapped the teacher more than once. Classmates took video footage and laughed. 

The minor student, who isn’t being named, slapped his teacher across the face, to which the teacher bravely replied, “You think that affected me anyway?” The student asks several times if the teacher wants him to hit her again, and she says, “I don’t want it,” but he slaps her quite hard across the face again and says, “I told your dumb*ss I’m not playing with you. What the f*ck is wrong with you? Still sitting in that chair. You’s a b*tch.” Clearly, the student wanted the teacher to fight back. The teacher also replied, “And do I look like I care?” 

The student then brags as he returns to his seat, “Ain’t nobody gonna come, and you just got slapped. Go back to teaching.” This is at the heart of the problem. In a majority of schools across America, there is no help available when a teacher is assaulted verbally or physically. They may call for help, but if help is even available, it can take quite a long time for it to arrive while the teacher is trapped in a dangerous, traumatic situation. 

Many teachers will tell you that it is unlikely that the student will receive a consequence in a situation like this. This assault, in particular, is garnering so much attention because the video went viral. The school system replied that they were “looking into it,” while Forsyth County Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough made an official comment. 

“This sheriff’s office is aware, and, like many of you, we have seen the video that has made its way around the community (Monday). Because it involves a juvenile, we have not and will not discuss the particulars of the incident, but we will work collaboratively with those parties involved to determine the best course of action.”

The boy was charged with two counts of misdemeanor assault Tuesday morning. His case will remain in juvenile court. Defendants under 17 are only eligible to be treated as adults if they are charged with a felony. 

School administrators say they cannot discuss what kind of punishment the student will receive due to privacy laws. “This behavior will not be tolerated,” said Superintendent Tricia McManus. “At no time is it acceptable for students to put their hands on a teacher in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. My focus now is on making sure that our teacher is taken care of and has the support needed to navigate through the lasting effects of this incident.”

Forsyth County District Attorney Jim O’Neil said he was investigating the now-viral video for any criminal behavior. “Both Sheriff Kimbrell and myself spent the morning at Parkland High School speaking with the teacher because we want one message to be delivered today: ‘This isn’t about the color of your skin, this isn’t about your political affiliation, today is about one thing. Sending a message to the teachers out there, that law enforcement and the District Attorney’s Office support you, we care about the job you do.’”

“Nobody goes to work and expects to get assaulted.”

This is a nice message and I hope that all of the authorities in the situation follow through to make Parkland High School safer for both teachers and students. But this jaded former teacher has seen this kind of thing far too many times and it doesn’t generally set a precedent that might deter other students from doing something similar. 

Last year, I reported about Kim Burns-Fisher, who was attacked so violently by a middle schooler that it resulted in brain damage. Later, the court sided with the school and literally said. “By accepting a job with the district, staff members assume risks associated with working in a school.” I’ve written about teachers having no choice but to resign after violent student attacks, a teacher being shot by her 1st grader after begging for help multiple times, and a roundup of monthly attacks on school staff. It seems that the possibility of a consequence only comes when there is video footage of the attack, and even then, it isn’t guaranteed. This is why one of the top concerns named by teachers leaving the profession is personal safety.

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Jane Morris

Jane Morris is the pen name of an ex-teacher who would really like to tell you more about herself but is worried awful administrators will come after her for spilling their dirty little secrets. Jane has taught English for over 15 years in a major American city. She received her B.A. in English and Secondary Education from a well-known university and her M.A. in Writing and Literature from an even fancier (and more expensive) university. As a professional queen of commiseration turned published author, Jane’s foremost passion in life is to make people laugh through the tears.

She has written several highly acclaimed books unpacking the reality of teaching and life inside the school system. You can view her full library of works here.