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Many high schools across the country are steeped in eerie legends and unsettling histories, rumored to be haunted by the restless spirits of the past. These haunted high schools have become the subjects of local folklore, attracting ghost hunters and curious students who wonder if the eerie whispers in the halls could be something more than a figment of their imagination.

Read More about America’s Most Haunted Schools

Entitlement in schools has become a significant issue, impacting students, teachers, and the overall educational environment. This pervasive sense of entitlement, where students believe they deserve certain privileges or rewards without much effort, undermines the educational system and leads to bigger societal problems.

Read More about Entitled Students: Of Course You Get A Trophy!

The teaching profession, which used to be seen as honorable and given widespread respect, is facing an additional crisis that threatens its very foundation: student loan debt. The few aspiring educators we have in 2024, driven by a noble passion for shaping future generations, are increasingly burdened by the financial strain of repaying enormous student loans with a very low starting salary.

Read More about The Burden of Student Loan Debt on Teachers: Another Crisis in Education

On February 23, 2023, 17-year-old high school student Brandon Depa brutally attacked paraprofessional Joan Naydich after she took away his Nintendo Switch game. The beating was caught on school surveillance footage and released, which went viral and drew national attention. He was charged with aggravated assault, and since the victim is a school employee, he faces 30 years in prison. 

Read More about Student who Brutally Attacked Aide is Suing the School District