Everyone has had a strange teacher or two, but some really stand out for their bizarre, funny, and downright unusual behaviors.
Cheating in school is nothing new, but some students seem to go to extraordinary lengths to get away with it, only to make their attempts far more evident than they might have intended. Whether
Horrible student drawings of their teacher.
25 of the funniest and weirdest teacher yearbook photos.
This humorous quiz has the reader guess whether a particularly outrageous quote is from a parent or an administrator. Answers are provided at the end.
This article explores some of the most astonishing and entertaining requests teachers have received from parents, shedding light on the sometimes funny, sometimes perplexing dynamics that educators navigate in their efforts to foster a positive learning environment for all students.
A collection of real short stories about entitled parents and their kids.
Some students have no idea what country we are in or when our country was established. They also don’t know what a democracy is or that we don’t have a king.
While every grade level comes with its own unique challenges, the debate rages on among educators: which grade is the hardest to teach?
Students everywhere ask the same questions over and over and it is extremely frustrating for the teacher yet amusing in retrospect.
A roundup of real quotes from administrators that are insulting, humiliating, and unprofessional.
When a student brought a dead squirrel to school it got me thinking about weird stuff kids bring to school. So I asked my followers to share some stories. I was not disappointed!