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Outrageous Parent Requests

High Teacher Suicide Rate in South Korea

Tales of Very, Very, Very Entitled Parents

The Problem with Mixed-Ability Classes

Teachers Allege Sexual Abuse by Special Needs Students

Middle School Students Impersonate 20 Teachers on TikTok: What You Need To Know


Outrageous Parent Requests

Tales of Very, Very, Very Entitled Parents

The Problem with Mixed-Ability Classes

Outrageous Things Administrators Say to Teachers

Entitled Students: Of Course You Get A Trophy!

The Burden of Student Loan Debt on Teachers: Another Crisis in Education


Outrageous Parent Requests

Tales of Very, Very, Very Entitled Parents

30 of the Dumbest Student Comments about U.S. History

The Worst Grade to Teach 

30 of the Most Annoying Student Questions

Outrageous Things Administrators Say to Teachers


High Teacher Suicide Rate in South Korea

Teachers Allege Sexual Abuse by Special Needs Students

Middle School Students Impersonate 20 Teachers on TikTok: What You Need To Know

Plainclothes Police Officer Searches Classroom for Controversial Book 

Teacher Speaks Out After He Was Fired for Students Doing His Hair

Oklahoma Debates Using Corporal Punishment on Students with Disabilities


Teachers Are Human Too: Why I Left Teaching After One Year

Advice for Teaching Middle School from Middle School Teachers

30 Celebrities Who Used to Be Teachers

60 Teacher Tattoos

List of Comments for Student Writing

How to Write a Teacher Recommendation Letter: A Step-by-Step Guide

About Teacher Misery

Teacher Misery was started by Jane Morris in 2014 as a place for educators to share their frustrations and laugh at the insanity of it all!

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Jane Morris

Jane Morris is the pen name of an ex-teacher who would really like to tell you more about herself but is worried awful administrators will come after her for spilling their dirty little secrets. Jane has taught English for over 15 years in a major American city. She received her B.A. in English and Secondary Education from a well-known university and her M.A. in Writing and Literature from an even fancier (and more expensive) university. As a professional queen of commiseration turned published author, Jane’s foremost passion in life is to make people laugh through the tears.

She has written several highly acclaimed books unpacking the reality of teaching and life inside the school system. You can view her full library of works here.