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A new teacher should be well-equipped to take on anything the day throws at them. You never know when someone will get sick, or you’ll need a quick snack, or a headache will show up out of nowhere. Skip the cute, Pinterest-worthy stuff, and pack your teacher survival kit with some real necessities. Teacher Survival …

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The profession of teaching, specifically elementary education, is mostly populated by females, and primarily, but not completely, female mothers. This gender dominance should not be lost on anyone. Teachers act as parents to their students, and all parents are teachers for their children. It doesn’t matter if a parent has an MBA or never finished …

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Often when I receive Teacher Secrets, they contain heartbreaking information regarding pregnancy loss and infertility in the workplace. These teachers share their stories of miscarriage or loss while still having to teach full-time with little support. In this post, Jackie Mancinelli shares her own story of loss while teaching and the creation of her organization, …

Read More about Teacher Turned Advocate: Supporting Pregnancy Loss & Infertility in the Workplace

Stressed? Burnt out? Exhausted to the point of falling asleep on the throne mid-toilet break? You’re not alone! Being stretched thin is a rite of passage for teachers everywhere. If you’re a teacher who has been stressed out to the point of mental and physical exhaustion, quitting teaching mid-year (or even mid-day) might be something …

Read More about Quitting Teaching Mid-Year: 3 Steps to Take BEFORE You Walk Out the Door

As a veteran teacher, I’ve come to find that becoming a new teacher is a lot like becoming a new parent. In fact, a lot of the new teacher advice I received after graduation also doubles as great advice for new parents. New Teacher Advice I’ve received my fair share of new teacher advice from …

Read More about New Teacher Advice That Also Applies to New Parents

Deciding to resign from teaching and writing that heart-wrenching teacher resignation letter is a very large and difficult decision. Many teachers spend years pondering whether they should leave teaching or stick it out. In fact, Teacher Misery has talked about The Guilt and Stigma of Leaving Teaching on this very blog. After a teacher suffered …

Read More about Teacher Resignation Letter Following Physical Assault By Student

It’s very en vogue right now to call out toxic positivity. Toxic positivity is essentially dismissing negative emotions and responding to difficult situations with an overly positive mindset. It is especially prevalent in the teaching profession, with teachers expected to push anything negative or upsetting regarding teaching to the back burner. Toxic positivity in teaching …

Read More about Toxic Positivity in Teaching: I Won’t Be a Human Candle

If you’ve ever found yourself thinking, “I hate teaching, but…” you’re not alone. Many teachers, whether they’ve been in the classroom for just a few months or in the same teaching job for over twenty years, end up feeling trapped in their careers. It’s no wonder teachers find themselves struggling with the profession. Teaching has …

Read More about I HATE Teaching: Why Teachers Don’t Quit and How They Can