On February 23, 2023, 17-year-old high school student Brandon Depa brutally attacked paraprofessional Joan Naydich after she took away his Nintendo Switch game. The beating was caught on school surveillance footage and released, which went viral and drew national attention. He was charged with aggravated assault, and since the victim is a school employee, he faces 30 years in prison.
According to various news sources, police in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, have confirmed that a student bitten off a teacher’s thumb last Thursday, April 18th, 2024.
We hear about teachers being assaulted by students on a regular basis. We also hear about those students receiving little to no consequences for this behavior. But when a video of the assault goes viral, and we get to see the violence ourselves, it is truly shocking.
Former Richneck Elementary School assistant principal Ebony Parker was charged with eight counts of felony child abuse and neglect in the wake of a 2023 shooting. This is a particularly significant finding as the administration is rarely held liable for incidents of this magnitude, despite teachers’ desperate pleas for help.
Republican lawmakers advanced a bill on April 9th that would allow some teachers to carry concealed guns at school. This comes almost a year to the day that a shooting occurred at a private school in Nashville, Tennessee, killing three adults and three children.
Three students have been suspended for not telling staff that the student had a gun, and there is talk of possible expulsion.
Missouri state Representative introduced bill which “creates the offense of contributing to social transition, which a person commits if he or she, acting in his or her official capacity as a teacher or school counselor, provides support to a child regarding social transition. The offense is a class E felony. A person found guilty of such offense will be required to register on Tier I of the Sex Offender Registry.”
What’s up with February? Violence is brewing in our schools, and it seems to be coming to a head this week. Here’s a brief summary of the terrible things that happened in schools in the last few weeks.
Allow me to take you on a journey back in time to before the rise of mobile phones in classrooms. Call this a whimsical misadventure to see why phones should NOT be allowed in schools. When I first started teaching in 2007, most kids did not have a smartphone. We also did not have Smartboards …
Despite strikes being illegal in the state of Massachusetts, 98% of the Newton Public School union (2,000 members) voted to authorize a strike starting Jan. 19.
What are the qualities of a good teacher? Is there some kind of list or formula a good teacher can follow to ensure they are doing their job well? Not really. But some good qualities seem universal amongst effective teachers, and I will break those down for you. Now, I am just some dude on …
Teachers are used to having to beg, borrow, and cry for much needed classroom supplies. And these aren’t just cute decorations they’re trying to get their hands on. We’re talking about classroom essentials like paper, pre sharpened pencils, and even books. While people might realize that school districts don’t always give teachers school supplies, they …