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Currently, there are 19 states in America where corporal punishment in school is legal. In some districts, the school must have the parents’ permission, while others do not. In 1977, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in its Ingraham v. Wright decision that corporal punishment in schools is constitutional, leaving states to decide whether to allow it. 

Read More about Oklahoma Debates Using Corporal Punishment on Students with Disabilities

Cyber schools couldn’t possibly have the same expenses as brick-and-mortar schools, right? They don’t need to pay for things like they don’t have to pay for things like building maintenance, sports teams and facilities, or police and security. Plus, many of them already receive tuition payments. 

Read More about Traditional Schools Outperform Cyber Schools: Should They Receive the Same Funding?

On February 23, 2023, 17-year-old high school student Brandon Depa brutally attacked paraprofessional Joan Naydich after she took away his Nintendo Switch game. The beating was caught on school surveillance footage and released, which went viral and drew national attention. He was charged with aggravated assault, and since the victim is a school employee, he faces 30 years in prison. 

Read More about Student who Brutally Attacked Aide is Suing the School District

Former Richneck Elementary School assistant principal Ebony Parker was charged with eight counts of felony child abuse and neglect in the wake of a 2023 shooting. This is a particularly significant finding as the administration is rarely held liable for incidents of this magnitude, despite teachers’ desperate pleas for help.

Read More about Former Assistant Principal Found Criminally Liable in Richneck Elementary Shooting

Republican lawmakers advanced a bill on April 9th that would allow some teachers to carry concealed guns at school. This comes almost a year to the day that a shooting occurred at a private school in Nashville, Tennessee, killing three adults and three children. 

Read More about Some Teachers May Be Able to Carry Guns At School: What You Need to Know