It’s hard to get an accurate number of the average teacher salary by state in America. Data for each state is published by many different agencies and organizations every year, and none of it is exactly the same. In the same year, you may see one source claim that South Dakota has the lowest teacher …
Jane Morris, Queen of Commiseration
After a teacher gets through their first few years of dressing the part, they tend to fall into a comfortable pattern of attire. And what they choose often reveals a lot about them! See what your teacher clothes reveal about you below! Teacher Clothes Most teachers fall into one of the following teacher clothing categories. …
I think it is cruel to expect a pregnant woman to work if she doesn’t want to. It is a precious and difficult time, both physically and emotionally. It is a lot to ask a gestating woman to handle the various stressful tasks that come with many jobs, but to expect a pregnant teacher to …
Excuses for Being Absent Family members impede kids from attending school in some very strange ways. Excuses include a mom who refused to drive her kid to school because she had her period (I relate to this but I’d rather endure the car ride and get rid of my kid for the day), a grandma …
The school nurse shortage in America and elsewhere continues to get worse with no good (or appropriate) solutions in sight. Despite teachers and school nurses all reaching high levels of burnout, one government’s solution to address the school nurse shortage is potentially downright dangerous. School Nurse Shortage The amount of things that teachers are expected …
While there is a primary focus on students who bully in schools right now, there are few published studies on parents and students who bully teachers. Research shows that a fifth of teachers have been abused online by students or their parents. In most of these cases, absolutely nothing was done, even the incidents that …
It’s always a gamble come the holidays or the end of the year when it comes to what (if any) gifts admin will give the teachers. While many schools are generous during Teacher Appreciation Week with massages, delicious lunches, and more, some admin opt for crappy puns and useless junk. After polling other teachers on …
Student aggression in the classroom happens all too often despite a teacher’s warnings about a violent student. Later when a student attacks a teacher, the teacher is often blamed for the incident. The following is about a teacher who suffered severe injury from one such violent student assault. Early Concerns with a Violent Student Kim …
As a veteran teacher, I’ve come to find that becoming a new teacher is a lot like becoming a new parent. In fact, a lot of the new teacher advice I received after graduation also doubles as great advice for new parents. New Teacher Advice I’ve received my fair share of new teacher advice from …
If you’re one of the lucky schools that has a school nurse on staff, you’ve likely sent plenty of students there for various reasons. Whether they’re getting hurt at recess or start running a fever after lunch, kids constantly seem like they’re suffering some ailment. Not surprisingly, many students don’t have legitimate reasons to visit …
Look, we all know what it’s like to be really tired. But do you know what it’s like to be teacher tired? Most of us pulled a few “all-nighters” in college (whether to study, get wasted, or just a consequence of experimenting with coffee, energy drinks and/or stimulants.) But that’s something we probably did on …
In my book More Teacher Misery, I focused a lot on the lack of consequences for deplorable behavior in schools across the country. However, there is a serious crisis that requires immediate attention. The sexual harassment of teachers by students. This atrocious and often dangerous behavior is mostly ignored by the administration because they are …