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Jane Morris, Queen of Commiseration

Jane Morris is the pen name of an ex-teacher who would really like to tell you more about herself but is worried awful administrators will come after her for spilling their dirty little secrets. Jane has taught English for over 15 years in a major American city. She received her B.A. in English and Secondary Education from a well-known university and her M.A. in Writing and Literature from an even fancier (and more expensive) university. As a professional queen of commiseration turned published author, Jane’s foremost passion in life is to make people laugh through the tears.

She has written several highly acclaimed books unpacking the reality of teaching and life inside the school system. You can view her full library of works here.

You’ve likely heard all about this “new” and “shocking” teacher shortage happening around the country. But this shortage is nothing new. In fact, the seeds for this current teacher shortage were planted years ago. Teacher Shortage 2022 “Suddenly” the U.S. has a serious shortage of teachers. Somewhere around 300,000 staff vacancies (over 50K of them …

Read More about Seeds for the Teacher Shortage Were Planted Years Ago

People who have never taught don’t quite understand just how stressful it can be. Teacher stress is much worse than the stress you encounter in many other careers. Not only are teachers “on” all day, but they often work extra hours outside of contract work and act as mentors, caregivers, peacemakers, social workers, and more …

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Violent and destructive student behavior continues to get worse in schools across the nation, and current consequences do not seem to be stopping the behavior. Can schools and districts properly handle outrageous behavior before things become out of control? Restorative Justice in Schools In 2018, I wrote about the alarming lack of consequences for violent …

Read More about Violent and Destructive Student Behavior Getting Worse

The issues of Common Core State Standards (curriculum standards for the nation), and the PARCC standardized testing that is administered to check those standards, are extremely complicated. It is a matter of how far down the rabbit hole one wishes to go. I will introduce you to the essential facts of Common Core standardized testing, …

Read More about Standardized Testing Exists Only to Make Money

After a teacher gets through their first few years of dressing the part, they tend to fall into a comfortable pattern of attire. And what they choose often reveals a lot about them! See what your teacher clothes reveal about you below! Teacher Clothes Most teachers fall into one of the following teacher clothing categories. …

Read More about What Your Teacher Clothes Say About You

The school nurse shortage in America and elsewhere continues to get worse with no good (or appropriate) solutions in sight. Despite teachers and school nurses all reaching high levels of burnout, one government’s solution to address the school nurse shortage is potentially downright dangerous. School Nurse Shortage The amount of things that teachers are expected …

Read More about School Nurse Shortage Puts the Problem on Teachers’ Plates

While there is a primary focus on students who bully in schools right now, there are few published studies on parents and students who bully teachers. Research shows that a fifth of teachers have been abused online by students or their parents. In most of these cases, absolutely nothing was done, even the incidents that …

Read More about The Rise of Cyberbullying: When Students Bully Teachers Online

It’s always a gamble come the holidays or the end of the year when it comes to what (if any) gifts admin will give the teachers. While many schools are generous during Teacher Appreciation Week with massages, delicious lunches, and more, some admin opt for crappy puns and useless junk. After polling other teachers on …

Read More about Worst Teacher Gifts from Administration