On the first day of school, Royall Elementary held what they called an “Olympic parade to celebrate different cultures from around the world.” The way that some teachers and administrators chose to represent Mexico was based entirely on insensitive stereotypes. After they proudly posted photos to Facebook, the community was outraged.
Jane Morris, Queen of Commiseration
Vice Principal Candra Rogers was permanently blinded by a student at a middle school in Texas.
Thousands of teachers agree that these are the best school-aged books.
First year teachers are often given more duties and more challenging classes in a form of hazing.
This humorous quiz has the reader guess whether a particularly outrageous quote is from a parent or an administrator. Answers are provided at the end.
Teaching is a very stressful job which can cause many physical problems. These problems can reveal what you are really feeling inside.
The only thing that will work is a schoolwide ban with consequences that are actually followed through on. Policymakers are finally catching on to this enormous problem. Four states have instituted cellphone bans in schools, while lawmakers in at least eight states have considered passing similar legislation.
This article explores some of the most astonishing and entertaining requests teachers have received from parents, shedding light on the sometimes funny, sometimes perplexing dynamics that educators navigate in their efforts to foster a positive learning environment for all students.
Over 100 teachers in South Korea have killed themselves in the last five years.
A collection of real short stories about entitled parents and their kids.
The problems the arise when students with varying ability levels are grouped into one class.
Three young teachers at a Denver school for kids with severe behavioral issues were sexually assaulted regularly by students and ignored by administrators when they sought help, according to a new lawsuit being brought by the women.