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Do you need to know how to write a resignation letter for teaching? You’ve had it with being a teacher. You’re done. Maybe you’ll try another school or district, or perhaps you never want to be within fifty miles of a school again. Both are understandable. However, you’ll need to write an official letter of …

Read More about How to Write a Resignation Letter for Teaching · TIPS & TEMPLATES

Recently I decided to try to transfer to a school that’s closer to where I live. I didn’t prepare much for my first interview because I had over a decade’s worth of experience. The teacher interview questions they asked me were jam-packed with the latest educational jargon, and at times I couldn’t even decipher what …

Read More about Teaching Interview Questions and What They Are Really Asking

People who have never taught don’t quite understand just how stressful it can be. Teacher stress is much worse than the stress you encounter in many other careers. Not only are teachers “on” all day, but they often work extra hours outside of contract work and act as mentors, caregivers, peacemakers, social workers, and more …

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After a teacher gets through their first few years of dressing the part, they tend to fall into a comfortable pattern of attire. And what they choose often reveals a lot about them! See what your teacher clothes reveal about you below! Teacher Clothes Most teachers fall into one of the following teacher clothing categories. …

Read More about What Your Teacher Clothes Say About You

As a teacher, you see every possible thing imaginable in the classroom. And the craziness only changes and morphs from preschool through college. There’s always going to be the odd kid who eats his boogers, or the kid who talks to dead people (seriously), but one of the most entertaining (and frustrating) situations is students …

Read More about My Students are Dogs and Chickens

If you’re one of the lucky schools that has a school nurse on staff, you’ve likely sent plenty of students there for various reasons. Whether they’re getting hurt at recess or start running a fever after lunch, kids constantly seem like they’re suffering some ailment. Not surprisingly, many students don’t have legitimate reasons to visit …

Read More about 31 Hilarious Reasons Students Asked to Go to the School Nurse

Look, we all know what it’s like to be really tired. But do you know what it’s like to be teacher tired? Most of us pulled a few “all-nighters” in college (whether to study, get wasted, or just a consequence of experimenting with coffee, energy drinks and/or stimulants.) But that’s something we probably did on …

Read More about There’s No Tired Like Teacher Tired! (REAL Stories from REAL Teachers)

Sex education is that wonderfully awful class filled with weird and wild questions with that we love to hate. It’s awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved, but boy does it lead to some hilarious comments! To commiserate in our collective misery, I asked a handful of sex ed teachers to share the funniest or most …

Read More about 75 Funniest Sex Education Questions Students REALLY Asked